06 May 2015

The End of Your Wednesday as We Know It

But I feel fine. That's because one of yesterdays foreshadowed changes is that we would like to take a step in another direction that involves more writers on staff. A week from today, I will have a gentleman by the name of Brad Baumann etch his mark in BNG lore. I will leave his bio to himself in fairness. I approached him as a means of slowly integrating change in how many writers will be in the arsenal. He will assume duties on Wednesdays.

This move was made in effort to return to having fresh content as one man can only do so much if he plans to have posts up every day 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year. That being said, Brad is relatively new to the idea of design blogs but has been a frequent visitor of Chris Creamer's site, which as you may or may not know I am a huge fan of myself. I hope that you are able to easily welcome him with open arms as we take this new chapter in the BNG history books.


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