17 November 2014

A Storm Approacheth

Just a heads up, my posting will likely be limited the next few days as the Western New York area is expected to be blasted with two individual rounds of snow. More details will follow in the coming days. Pleas be advised that as the snow has begun to fall, I expect the plowing situation in my neightborhood to be normally poor as we are last to be plowed given I live right behind town hall.

In more pleasant news, I am now the landlord of a property in South Buffalo. It is a four unite apartment with a storefront. Two apartments are rented out currently and the other two are to be rented. The storefront is also not currently leased out, but first requires some repairs. It has a flat roof, the storefront, but was recently double coated with the appropriate material. If things don't go well, I have plans to use the store as the official headquarters of BNG and turn it into an internet cafe.

Speaking of headquartering BNG physically, I am also planning on purchasing a bookmobile (preferrably from the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, which I have seen go for $20-25K USD) to use as a portable sports memorabilia shop - jerseys included. But that is all just a plan for now. With luck forward.


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