06 August 2014

The Two-Headed Eagle

We're days away from Arsenal's FA Community Shield match on Sunday, but let's talk about a country that shares a similar color scheme.

Albania is a tough country to work with. I don't know that even Jake could completely pull it off. My big thing is that the clash white is completely white. The small amount of texture on the sleeves and shorts aren't enough. The least that could be done is a matching chest stripe like the home uniform, which follows.
I do like that the home has some character, but it still needs some help. At least there's an A for effort.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking interest in Albanian national jerseys. The designs are very good. A strong jersey for a prideful people. Maybe some more designs with the black strip would be interesting and I see that you made it a point to have the all white stay all white but I think there could be something else added. Just idea's overall really good! Nice job.

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